how to get more followers in twitter?

twitter is one of the social network to connect with friends, but it has the most users at present.after sigining up , everybody starts to follow others and asking others to follow them . i know it is hard to get followers . but nowdays twitter became a part of thing in our life. so some peoples started websites to cure your problem.

 you have to register your twitter name and password,
the site will provide you a huge amount of followers, if you fell that the site is not good, you can remove your name from the site. really crazy to hear . 

 is the answer.given your username,it will look other users with some overlap with the people                  
you follow, and suggest them as people for you to follow.add some of the names there and then repeat the process, and you'll quickly build up a large network .
is used to search the top users and accounts.
this is the site,just you have to register your username and password, its simple check it out!

or you may think the ideas up here are crap, if you have the determination and knowledge and good english you will get followers naturally.
